Tuesday, 19 April 2011

Sternguard Veteran

So I got my hands on a limited edition Veteran Sergeant, for £25. Bit pricey, but meh. I've always been a sucker for limited edition minis. Limited edition anything, really. Most of my games are Collector's Editions. I just like 'em. Anyway, I saw him for sale and figured he'd make a perfect start on my Sternguard Veterans.

The mini was in pretty good shape, needed a bit of filing, no greenstuff fortunately, as I'm hopeless with the stuff. So after cleaning it up, clipping away the bottom part which goes in a slotted base, I filed it smooth. Quick coat of paint, and applied the usual painting technique. The end result: a fine looking member of my first company. ;)


  1. He used to be the free giveaway for orders from the website over $100 CAD (I guess about 50 pounds) - that seems exorbitantly expensive to me but it is a gorgeous model.

  2. Yeah, it's not cheap, living in Norway has its major disadvantages. :) The nearest GW shop to me is about 600km away. So I have to take what I can find.
