Monday 28 March 2011

Devastator with Plasma Cannon

Here he is. Ironically, the devastator squad was the first squad I started, and is only now nearing completion. I decided to make the plasma cannon a burnished gold gold colour, since it's more likely to be a rare and ornate weapon. I hope the weathering shows properly. Hopefully I'll finish another devastator tomorrow, and so forth.

Thursday 24 March 2011

Librarian all done!

I'm terribly sorry for the long wait. I really am. I've been so busy, applying for jobs and schools, and been on vacation, I've not had time to sit and relax for weeks. My vacation was amazing, though. Warhammer World was pretty awesome too, though I didn't take too many pictures.

Anyway, here is my librarian, finally done. I'm quite pleased with how he looks. I did try giving his armour a blue shade at first, but I really didn't like how it came out, so I reverted to grey. This miniature is of course from Space Hulk, but I find it absolutely gorgeous, and there was no way I'd leave him out of my army. I tried to do the gold in Bleached Bone then wash with Gryphonne Sepia, I think it came out well enough. Maybe I'll go back and do some more highlighting, but for now, Librarian Dintathra is done.

Wednesday 16 March 2011

Still in England...

Well, as the title says, I'm still in England. Warhammer World was absolutely amazing, I am glad I took the trip there. I didn't buy any miniatures, as I'll no doubt have trouble enough with my suitcase being overweight, but I got the last four books of the Horus Heresy. So far I've read Thousand Sons, and I've started on Nemesis. Very good stuff.

In other news, I went by GW Woking, where I'm staying, and had a great talk with the guy working there, chap called Lucas. He was most accomodating, and I got to look at the shiny new Grey Knights miniatures and codex, which I'm now pretty sure will be my next army. Before that, however, I will be adding some more stuff to my Carcharodons; the Devastators need to be finished, the Librarian, a tactical squad and a dreadnaught. After all that, which I reckon will take me a couple of months, I'll be starting a second blog for my Grey Knights, hopefully.

Anyway, be patient, I'll be home around this time next week, and I can start giving you the pictures you crave, hehe. Paix!

Tuesday 8 March 2011

Warhammer World

What a life, what a life. My office is finally finished, and I've even managed to some painting. I'm working on the Space Hulk Librarian, who will be done in my Carcharodons scheme. He's about 50% done atm, no pics yet I'm afraid. I do really like this mini, it has quite a presence about it.

Anyway, the reason for this pictureless post: tomorrow I leave for England. I will be there all of 9 days, during which I will finally visit Warhammer World for the first time! On monday the 14th of March I will walk down the halls of GW and see them for myself. I have a vague feeling I'm setting myself up for disappointment, but meh. I will be taking pictures, so you can at least look forward to those. I'm also very curious about what exclusive items and minis I can purchase there, and add to my army. It'll be awesome.

So, alas, no pictures for now, but I promise I'll spend more time painting when I get home again. Paix!