Look at this chap. Isn't he lovely? Quite hard to get a hold of for a decent price too. I was lucky enough to find one on Ebay for £30, which was by far the cheapest I could find. He'll be the leader of my Sternguard Veteran Squad. I really like the concept of both Vanguard and Sternguard, and I'll probably be ordering the Vanguard box when I have some more spare money. I've decided to put my Grey Knight dreams on hold for a while, being content with having ordered the codex for now. I want a proper Carcharodons army.
More news, I don't know if I've mentioned it in an earlier post, I've ordered a load of skulls and knives and so on from various bits sites, which will be used to further "sharkify" my marines. Looking forward to them arriving, as well as my Forgeworld package.
Have a look at my Hammerheads (sternguard from FLoT Badab playaid) I used knives of various sizes as giant shark teeth trophies and they do a great job.