Well, after two days with a LOT of painting, they are finally done. I'm quite pleased with how they came out, with perhaps the exception of the eyes. I just never seem to get 'em 100% right. I did try all black eyes, but decided I didn't like it too much, and also this is only really a common feature among older Carcharodons. I gave Scout Sergeant Igfig a little gore on his chainsword, just to show he's been using it. ;)
Anyway, I've now started on another terminator squad, this time with my all-time favourite weapon, stormbolters. They're being converted from Space Hulk terminators, so a lot of filing and cutting will need to be done. I've also gone and ordered something from Forge World, you'll have to wait and see what. ;) Below is a group shot for your enjoyment.
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