Friday 2 December 2011

Terminator Command Squad

Well, I know it's been a long time since I last posted. In truth, I've started college, and it's taking a lot of my time. However, I am still driven to paint my beloved Carcharodons, and today I have something nice for you all.

I'd like to present my terminator command squad, mostly based off Space Hulk terminators, with some bits from the regular space marine command squad, and the Grey Knights. These are not 100% completed, as the white shark emblem hasn't been added to the shoulders, nor has the banner been done. I've recently acquired a sheet of transfers from Forgeworld, so I'll be redoing all my minis at some point and using purity seal to finish 'em up.

As always, comments and criticisms are welcome!

Group Shot


Veteran Sergeant

Company Standard Bearer

Company Champion

Veteran Specialist