Wednesday 2 April 2014

Headfirst into truescale...

Well, as the title says, I've been gone for some time. I've been incredibly busy with studies, moving across the country twice, and life in general. My minis have really been on hold for a while. When I opened up my old Carcharodons box, I found quite a few of them had come apart, or broken off pieces. Somewhat disappointed, I scavenged what I could, and decided to start fresh. This time my main inspiration was Teemu Valve's army, found here: GW Blog. I absolutely loved what he had done with them, and realized that while my minis were ok, they were simply not good enough.

I logged on to eBay, and ordered 20 terminator legs. I then purchased two boxes of the shiny new Tactical Squads, and ordered some 30mm bases from Heresy Miniatures. After a couple of weeks, I had everything to start out my new quest, truescale Carcharodons Astra.

Now, given that I don't have that many bits, these 'regular' marines are not quite as 'hands-on' as Carcharodons generally would be, however I really do love the new big look. My roommate (an avid Ultramarines collector) thinks they look a little out of proportion, though I feel I've covered that up nicely by giving them lots of pouches and grenades. Maybe he's just jealous. :) Anyway, as soon as my camera starts behaving, I will add more pics, for now enjoy one of the first I made, Squad Leader Valander.