Thursday 24 March 2011

Librarian all done!

I'm terribly sorry for the long wait. I really am. I've been so busy, applying for jobs and schools, and been on vacation, I've not had time to sit and relax for weeks. My vacation was amazing, though. Warhammer World was pretty awesome too, though I didn't take too many pictures.

Anyway, here is my librarian, finally done. I'm quite pleased with how he looks. I did try giving his armour a blue shade at first, but I really didn't like how it came out, so I reverted to grey. This miniature is of course from Space Hulk, but I find it absolutely gorgeous, and there was no way I'd leave him out of my army. I tried to do the gold in Bleached Bone then wash with Gryphonne Sepia, I think it came out well enough. Maybe I'll go back and do some more highlighting, but for now, Librarian Dintathra is done.


  1. He looks fantastic! Great job.

  2. Been following this blog as a lurker up until now, finally decided to log in and let you know how much I appreciate your work on these Space Sharks. Keep 'em coming, please don't get "too" distracted with those Grey Knights. :)

  3. Thanks guys. I've been highlighting his poweraxe a bit more, it looks a lot better. The guys at Warseer think I should add gore, but I'm not entirely sure. It might make him look more badass, but I like to think he wouldn't get his hands too dirty. And don't worry about the Grey Knights, I won't have money for 'em for some time. ;)

  4. Cool but shouldnt hes skin be VERY pale as its a noticeable trait for Raven Guard and Carcharodons. Pale skin with liquid black eyes (shark eyes)
