Monday, 10 May 2010

It's been a while...

Well, I know it's been quite a while since my last update, but believe it or not, this mini was done the day after the first. I just haven't gotten around to putting it up, and writing this short little post. Anyway, this is one of the nicer Space Hulk minis, which is now painted in my chapter colours. I guess I can't really call 'em White Templars, maybe Stone Templars or so? In any case, they look good, I'm working on another one at the moment. Unfortunately, I also got into the Starcraft 2 beta, which is really eating into what little free time I have. Ah well, we'll see when I post the next update. Going on vacation this wednesday, so nothing for a while I'm afraid. Paix!

Wednesday, 28 April 2010

Yay, finally a paintscheme has been decided!

Here he is, the first of many (I hope). I ordered lots of Black Templar bitz, that is to say, the upgrade box, as well as brass etchings , shoulder pads for terminators and regular marines, and some rather nice storm shields from Forgeworld.

However, I had decided quite some time ago I didn't want to paint them in Black Templar colours, mainly because I find black miniatures to be a little... dull. I'm planning a chaplain who will be in black, though.

Anyway, after buying the foundation paint Dheneb Stone, I completely fell in love with it. What a lovely colour. With the simple addition of some Skull White highlighting, and a Devlan Mud wash, you get a nice dirty white armour. Perfect for an army that spends most of its time slaughtering genestealers on space hulks. So I went with it, and I guess in a way, my marines are now White Templars. Fortunately, there's little to no fluff on these chaps, which is always good.

Anyway, one mini finished, 34 to go. Fortunately for me, I absolutely love terminators. Paix!